September 2, 2018 – John Bailey
BLM Manager of Rio Grande del Norte National Monument
Here are September’s free offerings from the Taos Field Office of the BLM. Looking ahead, on Friday, October 5th, our last lecture in the 2018 series, will be by Mark Henderson on the Old Spanish Trail. And, the details are still being worked out, but on October 2nd NM Governor Martinez will be hosting an event near the rim of the Gorge, location to be determined later, to celebrate new trails along the Rio Grande, within the National Monument, to be added to the trail system.
Enjoy your National Monument!
Friday, September 7, 6 to 7:00pm
First Friday Lectures: The Camino Real with Janet MacKenzie
Rio Grande Gorge Visitor Center, Pilar
Janet MacKenzie was the Mesa Prieta Petroglyphs Project Director from 2015 to 2018, and is now the Chief Archaeologist for the Project. She will be showing and discussing features of El Camino Rael from the Rio Chama confluence north to the Taos area. This lecture is part of our celebration of the National Trails Act’s 50th anniversary.

Saturday, September 8, 9:00am, 3 hours
La Senda del Medio Trail, Orilla Verde
Led by park ranger Barry Weinstock, this is an moderately difficult 2½ mile one-way walk on an escarpment a couple hundred feet above the Rio Grande, and a great trail to experience being in the Gorge. Meet at the trailhead at the north end of Pilar Campground along NM 570, at the southern entrance to the Monument; we’ll then carpool to Petaca Campground where the hike will end.

Saturday, September 15, 9:00am, 2 hours
Remnants of the Past at the Confluence: Taos Junction Bridge, Orilla Verde
Meet at the boat launch area for this easy ½ mile stroll through layers of history at this important site. Park ranger Kim Henkel will talk about features that portray early prehistoric and more recent uses.

Saturday, September 15, 4 to 9:00pm
NeoRio 2018, Montoso Campground, Wild Rivers
For NeoRio’s 10th anniversary, artists and collaborators delve into Roots ~ Raices, exploring the theme from various angles – botanical, cultural, metaphorical and beyond. Art installations and hands-on activities on the rim of the gorge, a farm-to-table, northern New Mexico fall feast, artist talks, live music and poetry, all reflecting this year’s theme.
4 pm: Roots-Inspired Art Installations and Activities
5 pm: Poetry and Music Salon
6 pm: Farm-to-Table Feast and Music by Justin Dean and Mark Dudrow
7 pm: Artist Talks by NeoRio Featured Artists
8 pm: Campfire and Music (bring an instrument!)
More information at LEAP’s website

Friday/Saturday, September 21 & 22, 8:00pm, 1½ hours
Video Prism Equinox, Wild Rivers Amphitheater
This will be a screening of unusual videographic content from the 43rd New Mexico Confluence of Artists and Rivers, featuring John Wenger and artists from New Mexico, Texas, Oregon and Colorado. Remember to dress warmly!
Saturday, September 22, 9:00am, 2 hours
La Vista Verde Trail, Orilla Verde
The Monument’s most popular trail, this easy 3-mile roundtrip hike offers beautiful views of the gorge, some of the more studied petroglyphs in the Monument, and often, sightings of bighorn. Led by park ranger Hannah Ryan.
Sunday, September 30, 8:30am, 4 hours
Hondo ‘Staurolite’ Canyon, Horseshoe Curve
Meet at the Rio Grande Gorge Visitor Center in Pilar, then we will arrange carpools/shuttles to the two end-points on this walk. This will be a difficult ramble through Hondo Canyon from the Horseshoe Curve down to the Rio Grande. Great wildlife viewing, and of course, the staurolites. Led by park ranger Kim Henkel.
Please bring a snack, hat, sunscreen, water and sturdy footwear
Visitor Centers: Rio Grande Gorge, Pilar 575-751-4899 Wild Rivers, Cerro 575-586-1050
Download a Visitors Guide to the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, published in 2015 by MARKETAOS, in collaboration with Taos BLM. It includes a helpful map of the entire monument area, over 300,000 acres. Or purchase a copy for $2 at Taos Visitor Center or Rio Grande Gorge Visitor Center in Pilar.
Find outfitters to help with your Rio Grande adventures on BeyondTaos:
Big River Raft Trips
Cottam’s Rio Grande Rafting
Far Flung Adventures
Los Rios River Runners
New Mexico River Adventures
Rio Grande Stables
Wild Earth Llama Adventures
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