Janet Webb, March 1, 2019. Allow me to introduce Perry Penick and Mary Hanrahan. The former, Perry, is a programmer who has been part of the Taos Arts Council since 2016. The latter, Mary, is a designer and artist who I first met at the Harwood Museum of Art where she was involved in the organization of Mabel Dodge Luhan & Company: American Moderns and The West, the museum’s 2016 blockbuster traveling exhibition.
Perry and Mary are taking the reigns of BeyondTaos Art Calendar – beginning right now!

As partners (both personally and in this new business venture), Perry and Mary have researched and implemented a new code platform that will pull content from all the most active arts organizations and put it in one place – easy for all of us to find what’s happening in the arts in Taos and in the surrounding art villages of northern New Mexico. Take a look at Taos Art Calendar with this new code!
About Perry Penick. A long-time Taos resident, Perry has been building and maintaining websites since 2005. He also teaches graphic design and Macintosh computer courses at UNM Taos. Formerly a board member of Taos Arts Council, he has been the administrative assistant to the organization since 2015. Speaking about Taos Calendar, he says ‘This has been an ongoing issue for the artist community in Taos and a continuous discussion at the Arts Council meetings. Taos has over a dozen primary calendars and it is time consuming for people wanting to post events, and others who are interested in ‘What to do in Taos?’ By creating a consolidated, inter-linked calendar for the area, we hope to address these issues for the betterment of the community.”
About Mary Hanrahan. Mary has been in the graphic design and publishing fields for over 30 years, adapting to the ever-changing environments and tools of the industry. Early in her career, she gained her BFA in printmaking and photography with an emphasis in design and art history from UNM in Albuquerque, and completed a year’s training as a technical assistant at Tamarind Institute. In 2013, she gained her MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts in graphic design. She currently divides her time between Taos and Vermont, working on various design and web projects locally, or assisting the VCFA design program residencies in Vermont. When asked about Taos Calendar, she says, “I love being part of this community and am dedicated to supporting and promoting all aspects of our creative culture. Working on Taos Calendar has kept me engaged and more active in the community. I’ve been to more events in the last three months than the last three years since there is so much going on here!”
And about me, now. Taos Art Calendar takes a lot of attention – checking and activating submitted events, preparing weekly e-blasts, troubleshooting occasional coding glitches. Entrusting Perry and Mary with the art calendar will allow more time for these projects. Since my retirement from running Webb Design Inc. (for 32 years!), I have spent my time on BeyondTaos Blog as well as working with my favorite Taos arts organizations: SOMOS, the Harwood Museum and Paseo Project. I plan to continue these endeavors.
How these changes affect you, art event organizers
From now on, to submit an art event or exhibition, go to TaosCalendar.com Art Calendar and click the Submit Event (at the top left area). Just fill in the blanks. As with BeyondTaos Art Calendar, the event will be live after an editor checks it out.
If you’d like to use this new calendar system on your website, see Time.ly. To automate your calendar content into TaosCalendar.com, email Perry Penick.
Learn more
Taos Art Calendar – arts and cultural goings on in Taos and Northern New Mexico
Taos Calendar – art, music, health, workshops in and around Taos
BeyondTaos Blog – navigating the cultural landscape of Taos and Northern New Mexico