New Years Eve Kudos to the Great Photographers of Taos

Taos Plaza at Christmas by Terry Thompson

By Janet Webb, December 31, 2014

Webb Design sent the 2015 Taos Vacation Guide to press a few days ago. It will be the 27th “TVG” we’ve produced for Taos County Lodgers Association, now known as MARKETAOS. Along with vacation-planning information the publication contains images captured by 17 Taos photographers.

Every year when we put out the call for photography to use in the guide, and on it’s digital counterpart, I am amazed all over again by the talent of our local picture-takers. Each one has a unique visual point of view. Some focus on the legendary Taos light. Others capture the funky, the iconic, and the humorous through their viewfinders. A few are masters at capturing the mythical “Taos Mystique.” In January, I plan to introduce each of these photographers on this BeyondTaos Blog.

TT_MayorChristmasCardFirst, Terry Thompson. Terry took this most incredible shot of Taos Plaza last week (unfortunately too late to be in the new guide). He brought me a signed print on Christmas Eve and I understand he’s delivering a print to Mayor Dan Barrone today as a thank you for “lighting up Taos Plaza.”

[SIDE NOTE: I agree with Terry’s positive sentiments about the current Town administration’s focus on bringing light and life back to the historic district. The Farmers Market. Free concerts under the gazebo. Public programming in the Old County Courthouse. And 50,000 holiday lights. Thank you Mr Barrone, Mr Bellis and Town Council.]

We’ve chosen two Terry Thompson photos for the TVG: Quick Draw on John Dunn Walkway and Classic Cars at the Harwood Museum’s Orale! Weekend. See more of Terry’s work at








Thank you to the 17 Taos photographers who have made their images available to the Taos marketing efforts. Many of them are part of’s Photo Album section.

Happy 2015 to all!

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